Please Be in Prayer Tomorrow…

Brothers and Sisters,

Tomorrow is a day for particular prayer with respect to the Supreme Court of the United States.  As you may know, tomorrow the court will hear a case from Mississippi known as Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.  In oral arguments, the justices will specifically consider, “Whether all pre-viability prohibitions on elective abortions are unconstitutional” (see the Supreme Court website).  As has been widely reported, this case has the potential to overturn the infamous and wicked decision reached by the court in Roe vs. Wade (a decision that made in utero murder a legal “right” across our country).  While, sadly, the overturn of Roe vs. Wade will not make abortion illegal everywhere, it will lead to its abolition (or effective abolition) in some states.  Depending on how it happens, an overturn could be a major statement of justice consistent with God’s character and commands.  For such a development we should hope and pray.

As Christians, we know that life is God’s good gift, even when it begins amidst tragic, evil circumstances.  We know life begins at conception and extends through death.  We know that human beings come into existence, created in God’s image, in their mother’s womb.  God forbid that we would extend our violence into such a space!  God be praised when that violence is restrained or otherwise barred!

Will you pray tomorrow for what takes place in the Supreme Court’s chambers?

…Pray that God will overrule and overturn the rebellious foolishness of our country.

…Pray that the nine justices – Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Thomas, Justice Breyer, Justice Alito, Justice Sotomayor, Justice Kagan, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Kavanaugh, and Justice Barrett – will listen with wisdom.

…Pray that God will give power and clarity to the words of the Mississippi Solicitor General, Scott Stewart (who will argue for the overturn of Roe vs. Wade).

…Pray that God will expose and render powerless the words of those arguing for the Jackson Women’s Health Organization (and thus in favor of Roe vs. Wade), Julie Rikelman (of the Center for Reproductive Rights) and Elizabeth Prelogar (the Solicitor General of the United States).

It may be that the Mississippi law in question is ultimately not the best model for dealing with the matter of abortion.  But, for tomorrow, that’s not our chief concern.  Our chief concern is that the law of this land not condone and enshrine the genocidal evil that is abortion.

I’ll end this email where perhaps all conversations of abortion should end, indeed, perhaps all conversations about sin of any sort.  God’s grace in Christ is sufficient to cover your every sin.  There is no sin and no sinner for whom Jesus’ death was not sufficient to cleanse you in the sight of God!  Has your life been touched in some way by murder in the womb?  If so, the good news of the Gospel beckons you to come to Christ in repentance for the forgiveness of that sin and any other.  I will not cast stones at you (I too have sinned), I will only exhort you, invite you, plead with you.  You need not be defined by your sin.  It need not be your identity.  A life of freedom and joy in the body of Christ awaits those no longer burdened by the blood of another human being (Proverbs 28:17).

Praying with you,


4 thoughts on “Please Be in Prayer Tomorrow…”

  1. Very well said, P.J.

    I’ve also reminded my readers to lift prayers tomorrow specifically as the Court considers this momentous case.

    I’ve been amazed that those who support abortion are gnashing their teeth about the nearly 50 years of precedent since the horrendous Roe v. Wade decision, in which the Court invented a “right” that is found in neither the Constitution nor natural law. The supporters are so focused on that 50-year precedent that they’ve completely missed the 6,000 years since God set the precedent that human life is sacred because we’re made in His image.

    Bless you and yours, sir.



    1. Thank you sir, and praise God for a 6,000 year history that will have no end! Regardless of what happens in a human court of law, it’s a blessing know that God’s purposes will stand. He is always on the “right side” of history. Good to be in harness with you…

      In Christ,


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